Superheroes have been saving our lifes for the past decades, but if you notice all these superheroes are American born. Most of them are Americans. Well there is
Ultraman from Japan, but he's the only one I can recall right now. I used to wonder, what if all the greatest superheroes in world gathered and fought with each other? Who will win? Which superhero will be the best of the best? Then someone just flashed in my mind, someone who's from India. Yes, India has its one and only superhero which most of us are oblivious of. He is none other than
Vijayakanth. If America has its Captain America, India has its Captain

He is simply unstoppable, invulnerable, powerful and the most patriotic soul I have ever seen. There is no living creature or thing in this world that can defeat him. Bullets and fire are all just a blow of a dust for him. He is the ultimate superhero of all superheroes. There are countless scenes in his movies that he almost doesn't need to do anything to win over his enemies. In
this clip, he just simply flicks his precious moustache and the enemy flies away senselessly. Even Superman can't do this (cause Superman doesn't have moustache...
ne ne ne ne ne). Even
electricity can't do anything to him but instead gets 'shocked' by itself.99% of all his movies deals with Pakistani terrorists with the same face over and over,
patriotism, avenging people, revenging old-aged villains, and hence forth. He never seems to age in all this movies. His characters are always a boy with age at the range of 16-20.

Captain V-
Kanth is a great dancer too, not to mention his powerful and penetrating red eyes which will grow redder and redder as he gets angrier. He has this amusing face expressions, body language,
dialougue delivery and also comedy timing sense that not many heroes can offer. So guys, please do watch his movies and be amazed, because
Vijayakanth is my hero, idol, inspiration and role model.