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WHERE SHYNESS MEETS EGOISM (and the points don't matter)


I'm staring out into the night,
Trying to hide the pain.
I'm going to the place where love
And feeling good don't ever cost a thing.
And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain.

Well I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old,
So I'm going home.
Well I'm going home.

The miles are getting longer,
it seems,
The closer I get to you.
I've not always been the best man or friend for you.
But your love remains true.
And I don't know why.
You always seem to give me another try.

So I'm going home,

Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old,

Be careful what you wish for,

'Cause you just might get it all.
You just might get it all,
And then some you don't want.
Be careful what you wish for,
'Cause you just might get it all.
You just might get it all, yeah.

Oh, well I'm going home,

Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old.
I said these places and these faces are getting old,
So I'm going home.
I'm going home.

- Chris Daughtry.

The Captain Of All Captains

Superheroes have been saving our lifes for the past decades, but if you notice all these superheroes are American born. Most of them are Americans. Well there is Ultraman from Japan, but he's the only one I can recall right now. I used to wonder, what if all the greatest superheroes in world gathered and fought with each other? Who will win? Which superhero will be the best of the best? Then someone just flashed in my mind, someone who's from India. Yes, India has its one and only superhero which most of us are oblivious of. He is none other than Vijayakanth. If America has its Captain America, India has its Captain Vijayakanth!
He is simply unstoppable, invulnerable, powerful and the most patriotic soul I have ever seen. There is no living creature or thing in this world that can defeat him. Bullets and fire are all just a blow of a dust for him. He is the ultimate superhero of all superheroes. There are countless scenes in his movies that he almost doesn't need to do anything to win over his enemies. In this clip, he just simply flicks his precious moustache and the enemy flies away senselessly. Even Superman can't do this (cause Superman doesn't have moustache...ne ne ne ne ne). Even electricity can't do anything to him but instead gets 'shocked' by itself.99% of all his movies deals with Pakistani terrorists with the same face over and over, patriotism, avenging people, revenging old-aged villains, and hence forth. He never seems to age in all this movies. His characters are always a boy with age at the range of 16-20.
Captain V-Kanth is a great dancer too, not to mention his powerful and penetrating red eyes which will grow redder and redder as he gets angrier. He has this amusing face expressions, body language, dialougue delivery and also comedy timing sense that not many heroes can offer. So guys, please do watch his movies and be amazed, because Vijayakanth is my hero, idol, inspiration and role model.


Incubus - Dig

There were two winners in the IDIGINCUBUS contest, the Grand Prize Winner and Band/Fan pick. I didn't really fancy the Grand Prize Winner. This Band/Fan pick is simple, cute and straight-forward. Nice. Made by Carlos Oliveira (aka kaamuz).

Community Shield 2006

The big one is here finally. In just hours left. Chelsea FC against Liverpool FC, yet again. This is their 11th meeting in just 2 seasons, crazy...it's like fate. But it's all happening for a reason, I guess. Both teams have added new players and skills to theirs, making them more watchable. In these last 10 meetings, Liverpool has only beaten Chelsea twice, but in the most important matches, that is the Champions' League semi-final and the FA Cup semi-final, which Liverpool went through finals to win both cups. Bravo. So according to the media and critics, for this rather not so important match, odds are higher for Chelsea to win, which adds to the sarcasm that Chelsea are capable to win only useless matches. Who cares anyway, hope they strike a hatrick in lifting the Premier League this time, and maybe even Champions' League or FA Cup, would be happy if they lift all 3 cups :p
Well, just about couple hours before the match kicks off, hope the best team wins.

The Great One Makes A Comeback

Wuhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..it's been ages since I visited my own blog..hahaha. I know all of you have been pulling your hair(s) waiting for the day I would update my freakin' blog right? Well finally the day is today. I have some small unnessecary updates to print here in my blog. Let's go through it one by one. (No interesting random articles/karangan on this entry, wait for the next one please)

Hard Disk crashed
After months of enjoying my hard disk, finally it crashed. I don't know what's the main problem, but I think the sub-problems were because I've been carrying it around back and forth up and down left and right inside out from my home to campus to..."trade" some files. I lost all my files, from thousands of songs, tamil english hindi malay, even some rare songs, music videos, DVD ripped DivX movies, interviews, my own songs which I composed myself(which hurts the most), random documents, and my favorite "educational tutorials". Well, now that it's all over and back to square one, and it's been re-born as a new hard disk, I shall feed it with more music, and more educational tutorial files >:)

The Italians won the World Cup
I know, it's abit late...but for those of you who don't watch or know what is the World Cup, the World Cup is a magical bronze-colored cup where the owner of the cup will be able to take control of the world and monopoly the whole system as the whole world is inside the cup, hence World Cup. Every four years once all the countries from around the world will fight for it to claim the rights to rule the world, and this time the Italians got the rights. The French came close to winning it, and I thought we would have a new subject called 'French Kissing' in every school which will be compulsory, but my dream was short-lived. Looks like we are only going to have some culinary subjects like 'Forza Pizza' or 'Spaggeti Science' or 'Holy Macaroni'. I hope in 2010 we will have a new subject called 'Satay Sociology' or 'Neuro Nasi Lemak'.

Local Clerks
This is an old story but it just makes my blood boil everytime I think of it. You know the usual government offices where the local lady clerks will be busy bitching to each other every second they can get, but takes 20 months to produce a single person's Mycard. That kinda story. Friend of a friend had this case where his place of stay was misprinted as different place. So he went to the office to get his Mycard printing corrected. He told the lady that his address was misprinted. Guess what the lady said, "Alaa, ini takpe lah..masalah kecik je..**** dan ****(actual name of place have been censored for safety reasons :p) dekat je, ejaan dia pun hampir sama." Somethin like that. Like what the hell!!! She's lazy to do her job and she's giving him suggestions and reasons!!! This might look like a simple or small matter, but this will certainly lead to other bigger and serious problems if let unnoticed. But the friend told her off, "Cik, memang takpe, tapi kalau saya kena tangkap polis hantar saman tak sampai rumah saya sapa nak bayar, cik nak bayar?" She kept quiet, thought for a while then asked his Mycard to be re-printed. !_! FUCK!!! What do you call that!! This is just atrocious. Just imagine if a person's religion or race was misprinted, and he died. The same ol' problem will arise like that cremation or burial problem, forgot the fella's name :p This is crazy, but I think they are slowly changing us into one of them one by one, in a way to change this nation into 'their' country. And I came across my friend's blog about the blogging issue, that the owner of the blog will be detained if he spreads any false news or any information that might influence the public thinking. Erm...isn't this abit too much? What bout newspapers that always give us false news and influence our minds? What bout other blogs from other countries? Books, magazines? Tv? Radio? Like my friend said, freedom of speech, democracy, lick my foot.

Last but not least, abit bout my personal life :p Things have been great these past days, except a few sad news, death mostly. Other than that, I'm more confident bout myself these days, after goin through a massive low self-esteem and depression, I almost gave up on myself. Things were coming tumbling to me one by one, bigger problems as they come. But I realized that those were just small things compared to problems that other people were facing on the other side of my world. I realized I was much more blessed and lucky to be able to do what I'm doing now. Some people just don't have the time to blog and bitch bout their personal life cuz they don't even own a pc, or have a home. I also got a forwarded message, bout a teacher who held a glass of water, and asked his students what will happen if he continued holding the glass for several hours. His students answered that his arms will start to ache and all that, so he put down the glass. Then he said all of our problems were the glass of water, you can hold it for some time, but you can't hold it too long cuz it will only give u pain the longer u hold it. So you must learn to put down the glass and go to bed with an empty head without any stress or tention. That story kinda gave me the spark to leave my problems aside and keep walking on. Nice one.

Other than that, it's all good right now. I've been yearning to write that sentence all this while :p Now that it's all good..I shall enjoy my life to the max with what I have around me. Must not take things for granted from now on. Very important.

Sports, Entertainment or Business?

Pardon me for the late update, but who the hell cares anyway. Let's get to the topic. We know football is the most famous sports in the world. And having the World Cup lingering just around the corner, the fever is just getting hotter and hotter everyday. However, there is one small thing that I have noticed over these past few weeks. Is football just a normal sport or is it becoming a source of entertainment or even a stepstone for some people's fame and glory?
For all of you football fans, you should know that Wayne Rooney is injured and expected/required to be cured by World Cup. I still remember when Rooney's ankle (I think) broke during the match between Manchester United and Chelsea weeks ago, the first thing the commentator mentioned was something like "hopefully he will recover and be ready to play by the World Cup". And then later on followed by the news and reports of his injury, all with one main goal; everyone wanted him to be ready by the World Cup. Is it just me or is it that people are giving more priority to fame and competition over a person's well-being or health? I rarely see people giving comments about Rooney that he will get well soon as a person rather than be ready just to play football for the club or country.

This doesn't happen to only Rooney, but other players as well. Even from other sports and games. It's almost like the managers and fans want their players to be healed just to play and contribute to success rather than they want them to heal just as a caring human being. It is almost like these players are robots or servants that when they break or malfunction, people just want them get repaired to continue their services. Don't you think so?

Well that's all for now, nothing much about this post, just that I've been thinking about this for quite a time and yeah Brazil gonna win the World Cup again! Any prediction guys? Chiow!

I Know What Is The Ultimate Happiness Of Life

A lot of people come up with many philosophies about life and its existence. Millions of them, each of them trying hard to come up with the best philosohies, just to impress others. I can't deny that I love philosophies and the fun in philosophing, but most philosophies I say or think always fade away with time. But as for lately I can only think of one good philosophy which can impress myself: Life tastes bitter only without beer.

Not any regular beer, not Tiger Beer, not Skol, not Budweiser, not Chang. Those are regular. Those are common. I'm talking about uniqueness. Outstanding. Different. Special. I'm talking about the great Carlsberg Special Brew. It is ultimate drink of life. It is the drink of your soul. It is a beer that belongs to the category of special. It sure doesn't have the highest percentage of alcohol, but 8.8 is enough to satisfy me. The beautiful can of the color gold and red with classy writings on it just stands out among its peers wherever it stands. How can you resist such a gorgeous can especially the content inside? Just by picturing Special Brew in my mind itself can give me a boner. I would even make love with the can if I could. Perhaps, I can...

I can go on forever with the descriptions or the specialities of Special Brew. So to make it short and simple, behold the greatest happiness of life:

For those of you who are just in case wondering how is the taste like, trust me, don't have any high hopes. It's not sweet. It's not one of those Mickey Mouse Club drinks. It's not Coca-Cola or Pepsi. If your nickname doesn't start with Lime and ends with Pebblez, then this ain't the drink for you. This drink was found specially for legendary people like me. That's why it's called Special Brew. Haven't had enough of the facts? Just head to your nearest 7-11 and grab yourself a chilled Special Brew and start experiencing the true meaning of happiness. Don't waste any time. Don't waste your life. Just remember this, as per said by LimePebblez:


PS: By posting this article and glorifying the brand name of Carlsberg™ does not mean that I intend to underestimate or defame other brands of beers. Other brands are just not special.

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© 2003-2007 by LimePebblez.